Deletion in Binary Search Tree (BST)

Difficulty: Medium, Asked-in: Google, Amazon, Qualcomm

Key takeaway: This is an excellent problem to learn pointer manipulation in binary trees and problem-solving using both iterative and recursive approaches.

Problem Statement: Given a binary search tree and a key value. Write a program to delete the given key from the BST and return the updated root node.


     5                           5
   /   \      delete 2         /   \
  3     7     --------->      3     7 
/  \   / \                    \    / \ 
2   4  6   8                   4  6   8
      5                        5
    /   \     delete 3       /   \
   3     7    --------->    4     7 
 /  \   / \                /     / \ 
2   4  6   8              2     6   8

     5                       6
   /   \      delete 5     /   \
  3     8     --------->  3     8 
 / \   / \               / \   / \ 
2   4 6   9             2   4 7   9

Solution Idea

To delete a node in a BST, we need to first search for that node. After this, we need to check if there are any nodes present in the left and right subtree of that node. If yes, then we need to appropriately link its subtrees back into the tree somewhere else. So, deletion is somewhat trickier than insertion.

Based on the above idea, the strategy for deleting a node from a binary search tree has three cases.

Case 1: Node to be deleted is a node with no children (leaf node)

We just delete that node from BST.

Case 2: Node to be deleted is a node with one child

There is one parent and one grandchild, so we can link the grandchild directly to the parent node and delete that node.

Deletion in BST when node to be deleted has no child or one child

Case 3: Node to be deleted is a node with two children

This one is a little bit tricky because we have to follow three key steps:

  1. We need to first identify the in-order successor of that node, i.e., a node with a key just greater than the key of the given node to be deleted.
  2. Then we need to replace the key of the given node with the key of the in-order successor.
  3. Delete the in-order successor.

Because that node has a right child, its in-order successor is the node with the smallest key in its right subtree (leftmost descendant in the right subtree). So this replacement will preserve the BST property because there are no keys between the node's key and the successor’s key.

Deletion in BST when node to be deleted has two child

Now, the critical question is: How can we implement this? We can use both recursive and iterative approaches to search for the key and perform the deletion. Let’s discuss them one by one.

Recursive Implementation

Suppose we use a function called bstDeleteRecursive(root, k) to delete the node with key k in the binary search tree with a given root node.

Implementation Steps

Step 1: If key k is less than root->key, then k will be present in the left subtree. So we recursively call the same function for the left subtree to delete that node, i.e., root->left = bstDeleteRecursive(root->left, k). Here we set root->left with the node returned after the deletion in the left subtree.

Step 2: If key k is greater than root->key, then k will be present in the right subtree. So we recursively call the same function for the right subtree to delete that node, i.e., root->right = bstDeleteRecursive(root->right, k). Here we set root->right with the node returned after the deletion in the right subtree.

Step 3: If we find k == root->key, we need to perform operations to delete that node based on the above three cases.

  • If the root is a leaf node, then return NULL.
  • Else if the root has only the left child, then we delete the root node and return its left child.
  • Else if the root has only the right child, then we delete the root node and return its right child.

    if (root->left == NULL and root->right == NULL)
      return NULL;
    else if (root->left == NULL) 
      BSTNode* temp = root->right;
      return temp;
    else if (root->right == NULL) 
      BSTNode* temp = root->left;
      return temp;
  • Else, the root has both left and right child: So, we find the inorder successor node, set the key of root with the key of the inorder successor, and delete the inorder successor. To find the inorder successor, we call findBSTMin(root->right) to find the node with the minimum key in the right subtree. To delete the inorder successor, we call deleteBSTMin(root->right) to delete the node with the minimum key in the right subtree.

    BSTNode *temp = findBSTMin(root->right);
    root->key = temp->key;        
    root->right = deleteBSTMin(root->right);

Step 4: Finally, we returns the root node of the modified binary search tree.

Implementation Code C++

struct BSTNode 
    int key;
    BSTNode *left;
    BSTNode *right;

BSTNode* findBSTMin(BSTNode *node) 
    while (node->left != NULL)
        node = node->left;

    return node;

BSTNode* deleteBSTMin(BSTNode* node) 
    if (node == NULL)
        return NULL;
    if (node->left == NULL) 
        BSTNode* temp = node->right;
        return temp;
    node->left = deleteBSTMin(node->left);
    return node;

BSTNode* bstDeleteRecursive(BSTNode *root, int k) 
    if (root == NULL)
        return NULL;
    if (k < root->key)
        root->left = bstDeleteRecursive(root->left, k);
    else if (k > root->key)
        root->right = bstDeleteRecursive(root->right, k);
        if (root->left == NULL and root->right == NULL)
            return NULL;
        else if (root->left == NULL) 
            BSTNode* temp = root->right;
            return temp;
        else if (root->right == NULL) 
            BSTNode* temp = root->left;
            return temp;
        BSTNode *temp = findBSTMin(root->right);
        root->key = temp->key;        
        root->right = deleteBSTMin(root->right);
    return root;

Iterative Implementation

We can also implement the above idea iteratively. For this, we iteratively move down the tree to find the node with key k and perform various operations based on the above three cases to delete the node.

Implementation Steps

Step 1: We first traverse the BST iteratively to find the node with the key to be deleted. For this, we run a loop until either the key is found or the current node becomes NULL. During this process, we also keep track of the parent of the current node. Why are we doing this? Think for a while!

// curr will point to the key to be deleted.
BSTNode* curr = root;
// prev will point to parent of the key to be deleted.
BSTNode* prev = NULL;
//Check if key is present in BST.
while (curr != NULL && curr->key != k) 
    prev = curr;
    if (k < curr->key)
        curr = curr->left;
        curr = curr->right;

Step 2: If the key is not found, we simply return the root node.

Step 3: Otherwise, if the current node has only one child or no child, we delete the node by redirecting the parent’s pointer to the current node’s child and deallocating the memory of the current node.

if (curr->left == NULL || curr->right == NULL) 
    // newNode will replace the node to be deleted.
    BSTNode* newNode;
    if (curr->left == NULL)
        newNode = curr->right;
        newNode = curr->left;
    //Check if the node to be deleted is the root.   
    if (prev == NULL)
        return newNode;
    // Check if the node to be deleted is prev's left or 
    // right child and then replace this with newCurr.
    if (curr == prev->left)
        prev->left = newNode;
        prev->right = newNode;

Step 4: If the current node has two children, we first find the inorder successor of the current node (the smallest value in the right subtree of the node), copies the value of the inorder successor to the current node, and deletes the inorder successor.

// temp will point to the inorder successor
BSTNode* temp;
// parent will point to the parent of inorder successor
BSTNode* parent = NULL;
// Now find the inorder successor
// This will be the node with minimum key in right subtree
temp = curr->right;
while (temp->left != NULL) 
    parent = temp;
    temp = temp->left;
// Check if the parent of the inorder successor is the curr or not. 
// If it isn't, then make the left child of its parent equal to the 
// in-order successor's right child. Otherwiese, make the right child of the node 
// to be deleted equal to the right child of the inorder successor.
if (parent != NULL)
    parent->left = temp->right;
    curr->right = temp->right;
curr->key = temp->key;

Step 5: Finally, we returns the root node of the modified binary search tree after deletion.

Implementation Code C++

BSTNode* deleteBstIterative(BSTNode *root, int k) 
    BSTNode* curr = root;
    BSTNode* prev = NULL;

    while (curr != NULL && curr->key != k) 
        prev = curr;
        if (k < curr->key)
            curr = curr->left;
            curr = curr->right;
    // if key is not present in BST
    if (curr == NULL)
        return root;
    if (curr->left == NULL || curr->right == NULL) 
        BSTNode* newNode;
        if (curr->left == NULL)
            newNode = curr->right;
            newNode = curr->left;

        if (prev == NULL)
            return newNode;
        if (curr == prev->left)
            prev->left = newNode;
            prev->right = newNode;
        BSTNode* parent = NULL;
        BSTNode* temp;
        temp = curr->right;
        while (temp->left != NULL) 
            parent = temp;
            temp = temp->left;
        if (parent != NULL)
            parent->left = temp->right;

            curr->right = temp->right;
        curr->key = temp->key;
    return root;

Time and Space complexity Analysis

When key k is a node with no child or one child, we need to just search the node with key k and perform some constant time pointer manipulation operation. Suppose the height of the tree is h, then searching takes time O(h) in the worst case because we need to perform one comparison for each level. So the overall time complexity is O(h) + O(1) = O(h).

When key k is a node with two children, we need to perform three critical operations. Suppose the node to be deleted is present at level m.

  • Searching the node with key k takes O(m) time.
  • After this, we need to find the in-order successor of the node, which is the leftmost descendant of the right subtree. To find this, we start from the right child of the node. So in the worst case, it will traverse height h - m down the tree. This takes O(h - m) time.
  • After this, we need to perform a constant time pointer manipulation operation.
  • So the overall time complexity = O(m) + O(h -m) + O(1) = O(m + h - m) + O(1) = O(h) + O(1) = O(h).

From the above analysis, we can conclude that deletion in the BST will take O(h) time in the worst case. However, we need to observe one thing: the height (h) of the tree depends on its structure. So there could be two extreme situations:

  • Best case: When the tree is balanced, the height of the tree will be O(logn). So the best time complexity is O(log n).
  • Worst case: When we are given a left-skewed or a right-skewed tree (a tree with either no right subtree or no left subtree), the height of the tree will be O(n). So the overall time complexity in the worst case is O(n).

The space complexity depends on the implementation.

  • In iterative implementation, we use constant extra space for storing pointers. So the space complexity of the iterative approach is O(1).
  • In recursive implementation, the compiler will use the call stack to simulate the recursion. In the worst case, the call stack size is equal to the height of the tree. So the space complexity of the recursive approach is O(h).

Critical Ideas to Think!

  • When a node has two children, we call two functions separately in the recursive implementation: findBSTMin(root->right) and deleteBSTMin(root->right). Can we optimize this further? Can we keep track of the parent node of the inorder successor so that we can simply remove the successor by doing some pointer manipulation? We know that the successor would always be the leftmost node in the right subtree of the node with key k.
  • In the recursive approach, instead of calling deleteBSTMin(root->right), can we call the same function to delete the inorder successor, i.e., bstDeleteRecursive(root->right, temp-key)? 
  • Instead of using the inorder successor, can we think of implementing the above idea using the inorder predecessor? The inorder predecessor is the node with the maximum key in the left subtree or the node with a key just less than k.
  • Can we think of implementing the recursive and iterative approaches in a different way? 
  • What would be the average-case time and space complexity?
  • Which one is the better choice: using the inorder successor or the inorder predecessor? Here is an idea: when the right subtree is balanced and has a height less than the height of the left subtree, using the inorder successor will be efficient. Similarly, using the inorder predecessor will be efficient when the left subtree is balanced and has a height less than the height of the right subtree. But the critical question is: how do we identify this during the execution process? Can we think of using the successor or predecessor randomly? 

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