IP Packet in Networking

IP Header is meta information at the beginning of an IP packet. A packet is a tiny segment of a large message. The data transmitted over networks of machines, such as the Internet, is split into packets. The computer or system that collects them then recombines these packets.

When a machine or a client tries to interact with another machine or a server and sends data to other machines, it is sent in as an IP packet. IP packets are a fundamental unit of data sent from one machine to another, or we can say IP packets are the building blocks of communication between machines. It is usually made of up bytes. IP packets have two main sections, IP header, and data.The image below shows a simple IP Packet. The IP Header contains essential information about the packet. Some of the information is:

  1. It contains the source IP address of the packet.
  2. It contains the destination IP address of the packet.
  3. It also contains other information such as the packet's total size and the version of the IP that the IP packet is operating by (IPv4, IPv6, …).

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